Treat Beyond Dreams

What is Plexr Plus Plasma?
Plexr Plus is not a laser nor an electric cautery, although it appears to work like one. This new system works simultaneously by an exact but straightforward scientific principle.
Plexr Plus technology is globally recognized for Soft Surgery, which offers a safe and effective alternative to invasive cosmetic procedures with little to no downtime. Soft Surgery provides extraordinary results, which generally could only be expected after surgeries such as Blepharoplasty, Facelift, and Necklift.
What is Pure Plasma?
Plasma is one of the four fundamental states of matter. Its generation is similar to a micro lightning bolt that acts directly only on the epidermis. Plasma consists of a gas of ions and free electrons.
Pure Plasma is a unique type with the minimum thermal properties, which means it causes the minimum unwanted collateral thermal damage.
How it works?
Plexr Plus generates plasma by ionizing Nitrogen. Each plasma touch causes skin sublimation and collagen fibers tightening during the treatment.

What can be treated?
Plexr Plus is FDA-cleared for the removal and destruction of skin lesions and tissue coagulation.