Plexr Plasma “Cat Scratch” Skin Resurfacing

Young beautiful women with natural make-up and hair style

The Revolutionary New Plexr Treatment For Flawless Skin

Unleash your inner feline! Scratch years off your skin with Plexr Cat Resurfacing!

Are you tired of dull and sagging skin? If so, it’s time to try Cat Resurfacing, the latest Plexr treatment that will leave your skin looking and feeling flawless in just four to five days.

All Skin Type Resurfacing!

So, what is Cat Resurfacing?

It’s a unique treatment protocol that uses a plasma generator to create a controlled, superficial injury to the skin that resembles a cat scratch. This may sound scary, but it’s actually a safe and effective way to rejuvenate all the skin types.

The process works by stimulating the body’s natural healing response, which encourages the production of collagen and elastin, two proteins that give skin its elasticity and firmness. As a result, fine lines and wrinkles are reduced, the skin is tightened, and the overall complexion is improved.

Contact Information

We will always take the time to answer any questions that you may have about our procedures.


11665 Avena Place, Suite 104
San Diego, CA 92128

office number


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Before & After

Technology is ever-changing and constantly evolving. We do our best to stay relevant to the needs of our patients using advanced technology that helps us better diagnose and treat conditions and diseases.

Our team includes experienced and energetic people whose goal is to communicate well with our patients and provide the best care possible.